Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Lady Bugs!

My Sister told us about this bag of Lady Bugs you can buy at Fred Myers and Carlie just had to have a bag of them! So I took the Girls over to get a bad and they wanted 6 dollars for a bag of them and me being me didn't want to spend that much on a bag of bugs so I told them no and then a few days later Seths Mom came down and Carlie talk Grandma into going and buying her them. So off to Freddie's we went And Miss Carlie got her bag!! Grandma Cindy could stay to watch them open the bag but I got pictures of it all for her!

Carlie was so excited about the Lady Bugs!
As soon as I cut open the bag to let them out they just started to come out and they didn't stop! There was just about 200 or so of them we had them every where 
Carlie had them all over her and KayLee wouldn't touch one for nothing 

Here is a picture of KayLee and I know it looks like she is trying to touch them but really she was smashing them and Carlie was getting so made at her for it! 
KayLee would try to dump them out of the bag but she didn't what them to touch her 

I don't know why but I just love the pictures I got of Carlies hands with the Lady Bugs on them!!

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