Sunday, July 4, 2010

Carlie Refereeing

Seth and I where Play fighting on the 4th of July before church and Seth had me pined and Carlie started to scream at us and we would stop so then she throw her Skippy cup at us and it hit me right next to my eye and cut me open good too. We didn't think it need stitches but is a good one. All I could do was cry trying to show her what could happen when you throw thing and just to see her face and how upset she was about it I just could hold it back. Gave me a good head ack with it too. It was a little hard to put my make up on with out pulling on it and when I move my face just right it kills.

This is what my Eye looked like 24 hr after it happened

This is what it looked liked 36 hr later


  1. I didn't even notice anything at church. How observant am I? I thought you looked great though!

  2. That looks horrible! Crazy that that happened! I bet Carlie felt horrible!
