Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Family Reunion 2012

Well another reunion and lots of fun!! I just love my Family and how big it is!! I didn't get any pictures of every one this year but we had 202 people come this year!! But like every year and every time we go camping we have to go for a drive to see animals! The 1st time we went out I had my camera and we saw a moose I went to take a picture of it and I didn't have my battery's in it so I put them in and tried a 2ed time and I didn't have a card in it so we didn't get any pictures of any animals that time out. We saw 3 moose that time out. Out of the 3 we saw a mom and her baby, and then some deer.  Luckily my mom had an extra card and let me use it YA go mom!! We went for a 4 wheeler ride to but I didn't get any pictures this year because I wont take my NICE camera on the wheeler's and Seth had to have the card out of my camera that I have for the wheeler for is tail camera for hunting  I just need anther card for it. We saw a moose on that trip as well and I think that is all we saw that ride. So here are some pictures of what we did see the rest of the weekend. That I did get pictures of!

This is a doe 
With these Elk we were just riding down the road and I happened to look out the back window and up on the hill were these elk I got some pictures of them and that doesn't happen every often. 
This is what we always get of the elk! They just done like being looked at and this year I got a good one of them!
This is a little 2 point we saw 
anther doe
and this was the biggest moose we saw the hole weekend. he had to put his head behind a tree so we could get a good picture of him but you can see his body  
My Brother Brandon tried to get close to it to get a picture of him for me but the moose didn't like that and took off so Brandon took some of us at the truck
Every year my Grandpa puts a treasure hunt for the kids and I got some pictures of that  
so here is one of Seth and Carlie and just Carlie

This is my Brother Adam and his two boys and her girlfriend Jordan 
Jordan just got a NEW bow and picked it up on there way to the reunion so we had to get a picture of her shooting it for the 1st time ever 

This is her 1st shoot
and then I got one of her 2ed one too 

here is Seth and my Dad and my sister husband Kelly and some of the kids 
We asked the kids if they would go find some wood for the fire and this is what Jojo got 
Alyssa just stood there 
And KayLee just wanted to play and I just love this picture of her
She is always playing in the dirt 
here is Carlie with her wood and.....
here's Kaiden's 
Alyssa didn't want her picture taken at all and this is one that i got of her
And I just had so show what the kids did all weekend with there 4 wheeler 
This is my dad's dog and he is just a good looking dog. This was the 1st time out camping for us with out our little Maddie and it was very hard for me I don't know how many time I cried when I saw other dogs and then as the family founding out about her. Every time someone came up to us to say sorry about our dog I just cried but it is getting better. 

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