Monday, November 1, 2010

Hallween 2010

For Halloween this year Carlie wanted to Mine mouse again and I wanted her to be something different. I love Halloween and want to have fun with my kids with it so I like seeing them be different things and to have fun with them!! So I keep trying to get her to be something else and Seth wanted them to be hunters "because we don't have to buy them anything we all ready have them." And I didn't like that one it looks like we didn't even think about it this year but when we where talking about it to Carlie she told me she wanted to be a Elk so I said that would be fun and sister could be a bear, thinking it would be easy to find one but we could find one we liked for what I wanted. So I talk to my dad and told him what the kids are going to be and that I needed his help trying to get it done. He said "I have this decoy that I made that I don't use because it's to heavy to pack up and down the hills." So he found it and it was what I was looking for so I made the Antlers (but they look like a deer antlers to me) and she was one good looking Elk!!!!

Kaylee just was to cute for words!!! She didn't look like a bear she just looked like she was being malled by one but I still loved it!!

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