Well where do I start!! I love to spend most of my time with my family I just love being a Mom!! I have been married for 8 years to the best Men in the world. As you can all see I just love Scrapbooking and Crafts!!! If my kids would let me I think I would do nothing but that all day I just love it! We like to go camping and shooting our bows. I just love being around other people.
Seth and I are in our 8th years of spending our life together and we are sill in LOVE!! We have a lot of fun together. I fill like we finally have this thing down and we know how the other person works. We are Best friends and tell each other everything. I still can't be leave we have been married for 8 years and been together for 11 years. I did say on our 1st date that I was going to marrie him!!!
Our 1st Home
Our 1st little Grad
Carlie's Birthday count down
Carlie 6 years old
Carlie was born on January 19th of 2006 her full name is Carlie Ann Hirschi. She got her middle name from her Grandma Bruderer. She was 7lb 9oz and 21 1/2 in long. She came to us at 5:44am and was the mose Beautiful thing I have every seen, and has been a big joy in my life
Kaylee's Birthday count down
KayLee 3 years old
KayLee was born on July 9th of 2009. Her full name is KayLee Kay Hirschi. Her middle name came form her Grandma Hirschi. She was 9lb 14oz 21 1/2 in long. She came to us at 10:44pm and was born on my Great Grandmothers Birthday. She was just a Beautiful as her big sister. She has been every thing to us and her big siste just love her to death.
Cutest Banner EVER!
I love this birthday banner. Coley from Digi Doodle Doo made this for her
kids. They all have June birthdays so she has this hanging all month. Check
out ...
A few days in Chichicastenango, Guatemala
Once we bought plane tickets to Guatemala, we began looking for places to
visit. (We booked cheap tickets without any other plan or details – ‘figure
it ...
Check It Out
Check out my last installation of my adding texture feature over at
Ella...and then treat yourself to some scrappin time!! Love to ya'll! I
will be there f...
Halloween 2011
Happy Halloween!!!
This year we went to Trunk or Treat at the church. The kids had a good
time. It is so much fun to go and watch the kids play games and ...
A New Year!!
Wow its already 2011! I cannot believe how fast time flies!! It seems like
just yesterday that I graduated Highschool...So just an update on our lives!
Mirror Redo
I have wanted a mirror forever, but I am such a cheap skate I haven't
wanted to spend very much! So you can imagine my excitement when I found
this LARGE ...
Oh my goodness!! I cannot believe how much time has past since I last
posted! I often get asked if I'm going to ever post again. A few reasons I
i know...i know...long time no post...i really have been missing you
guys...does that count?...but hey...i'm back!...so let's get to crafty
Thoughts for the New Year
When you go through really tough stuff, loss, extreme sadness or grief, you
feel like the pain is never going to stop. You can’t imagine a day where it
Etsy...Bitsy Spider...
Well, so far so good. I really am liking Etsy. It seems to be really user
friendly and there is a ton of great information out there on how to make
your s...
How to Install a Corkboard Wall
I installed this corkboard wall in a matter of hours, so I happily pass on
the tutorial to you! The hardest part was just worrying about whether or
not i...
September Editable Newsletter
General Conference Activity II
We had to revise our activity just a bit so I thought I would share how the
changes we made. We still used some of the ideas from my last post.
First off,...
Mark & Charla's Wedding
My cousin Mark was getting married to his sweet fiancee Charla in their
home state of Texas. They were so supportive and made the effort to come to
our wed...
Presidents Day at Hollywood Connection
I have never had such a fabulous President's Day Holiday as we did this
year. My parents, Grandma and Grandpa Kunz, and Aunt Annie and her family
were in...
I am in LOVE.....
with my handy husband... and this HEADBOARD!!
I have been drooling over this head board for like ever and wishing I could
find a way to talk my husband into...
head over to my new blog!
Be sure to head over to my new blog. I have several new posts up along with
some others coming soon, including Project Life etsy shop updates. After
you cl...
NEW Limited Edition Kits! Snoopy, Disney and Elf!
Hello friends! Just a quick post to let you all know that I have designed
3 brand new layout kits for a fundraiser to help send my daughter (and
possibly ...
Welcome to a whole new world!
So today is an exciting day! With Close to My Heart closing their business
on June 30, I have decided to go to Stampin Up! and continue my crafting
Toke Up, Doc! - SVG available for purchase
Here is the Bugs Bunny design I completed last night. This was another one
that I had requests for purchase so I'm offering it for purchase.
If you would...
Flashback - 80s Style
[image: Flashback - 80s Style]
On Sunday afternoon, we attended a Fundraiser Party for our friend Casie.
She was recently accepted into the Orange County...
The Hollow One ()
Download Full The Hollow One in Best Video FormatNow you can enjoy The
Hollow One in High Quality Video with duration 97 Min and was published in
and MPAA...
Easy Fudge Recipe
Few homemade candy recipes remind me of growing up more than homemade
fudge. My family has been making the same fudge recipe for four generations
now, an...
Our beautiful crazy life.
Life with kids there is never a dull moment even though sometimes I do wish
for one but I wouldn't change a thing about it. Life is crazy and beautiful
Upcoming Show ~
Wow, how time flies. I feel like this year is just breezing by - I mean, I
have *(soon-to-be)* first graders!
How does that happen?
Well aside from tr...
Nursery #2
I swear you blink, and life has passed another year. I obviously haven't
kept up with my craft blogging, and I wish I still had time to do so, but
with my...
Long time my friends
Hello everyone--- it's been way to long and I am feeling a need to craft
again. Since my move to Florida I have been wrapped up with work, getting
my lif...
Happy Ground Hog Day!!
*I am hoping for an early spring!*
(and since we are finally moving to Southern California in a few weeks I
am counting on getting it.)
*Here are some f...
54...her last birthday
A few weeks before my mom passed away she turned 54. At the time she had
gotten the diagnosis that she had about a month to a few months left to
live so we...
Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie with Pretzel Crust
I'm not really a pie person. But, there are a few times a year where it's
practically required to make and/or eat pie. I grew up eating, and actually
I had such a fun and busy summer! On top of attending Pirate Fest and
visiting Natalynn, I also got to go home to Idaho for a week, Keith's
parents came to...
Easy-Access Paint Storage for Touch-ups
I saw this great idea on Pinterest for storing small amounts of paint in
baby food jars to use for touch-ups. I finally did it, but re-used my kids'
Oh hey! Remember me?
Oh hey there fickle friends!! Remember that one time when I had a baby and
said I'll see you in just a few? Bet you didn't know I meant a few YEARS!!
😂 Ye...
Cookies, Cookies and more COOKIES!!!
For Valentines day the kids gave cookies out to everyone in thier classes
instead of candy....it was fun and a good idea, but it took awhile and
thank goo...
Tie-Dye Easter Eggs
It's that time of year again. I think I'm the only crafter that doesn't
really like to craft holiday crafts (if you followed that sentence, you've
gotten m...
2.5 Years Old
We were walking through Lowe's when I turned around and noticed that the
girls had stopped. This is what we saw. Sprinkler heads make great
Random Phone Photos
Everyone has those random phone pictures right? I just wanted to share some
of Maylee.
(Some are old, Sorry no particular order)
Wickedly cute
Riding in t...
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